Can GIS technology change people’s life?

In the following video, Rafael de Miguel, Professor at the University of zaragoza and President of EUROGEO, Massimo De Marchi, Professor at University of Padua and MYGEO Project coordinator, Joseph Kerski, Education Manager at ESRI and Emma Slayton, GIS specialist at Carnegie Mellon University Library, will try to explain how GIS science represent an essential tool to continue their work and how it changed their life.

They will talk about their experiences, comparing the previous technologies to the new work method using the GIS science. As well as the work field, another important aspect of the use of GIS, is the facility to connect people all over the world: professionists and common citizens can collaborate, communicate and build a better world using this new technologies.
GIS community is broad not only in terms of who its members are, but it can also be broad in terms of where they are, answering research questions from around the globe.